Book Review: Harold (2023) by Steven Wright

I had been a fan of stand-up comedian Steven Wright since the 1980s. His 1985 comedy album, I Have a Pony, was nominated for a Grammy Award. And in the 1990s I saw him perform on TV in Mad About You (scripted) and in person (stand-up) in Madison, Wisconsin, but since then I mostly lost track of him.

It turns out he wrote and produced an Ocscar-winning short film, The Appointments of Dennis Jennings, in 1988. He also had another Grammy nominated comedy album, I Still Have a Pony, in 2007. I had been unaware of these. I should check them out.

If you’re unfamiliar with Steven Wright’s stand-up style, here are a few one-liners from his 1985 comedy special on HBO. He delivers these consecutively, pausing between them for the laughter to die down but with no additional commentary. Most, but not all, of his set is delivered this way.

Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect.

When I die I’m going to leave my body to science fiction.

I was arrested today for scalping low numbers at the deli. I sold a number 3 for 28 bucks.

I was once arrested for walking in someone else’s sleep.

In 2023, Wright did something new. He wrote a novel, titled Harold. Simon and Schuster published it and my local library has a copy. I’m glad I read it, but I’m not sure who I should recommend it to.

Harold, the novel’s seven-year-old protagonist, is in 3rd grade. (I’m not sure how that works because most American third-graders are 8 or 9, not 7, but I guess that doesn’t matter. Harold is also more self-aware than you would expect a third-grader to be.) Harold doesn’t pay much attention in class. Instead odd thoughts come to him, and the narrator divulges them to us. Many of these thoughts are essentially Wright one-liners.

Some of Harold’s thoughts are good enough that they could be included in a Steven Wright stand-up set. Some of them aren’t good enough for that, but I guess (?) we should cut Harold some slack because he’s only seven years old. Here are some examples:

He was curious if when birds see each other do they ask in their bird language: “How was your flight?” Just to be sarcastic. (page 173)

He though that someday he would write a book that was all blank pages and the title would be: What I Didn’t Say (page 18)

He remembered that his grandfather told him that he once went to the beach and forgot to bring a book so he wrote one. It was about a city that accidentally hires a roller coaster company instead of a subway company. It’s all underground and at each station it’s flat and looks just like a regular subway. Then when the people get on and the train leaves the station it’s a whole other story. (page 188)

Ok, that one is longer than a one-liner. However it’s the kind of thing that could easily appear in a Wright stand-up set, except without the grandfather. Some of Herald’s thoughts are his own original thoughts. Others, like this one, are attributed to someone else and Harold is merely recalling it. I’m not sure I understand the point. Does it make the grandfather the crazy one and Harold more sane? That hardly seems necessary.

Reading this book reminded me of both Nicholson Baker and Kurt Vonnegut. That’s got to be a compliment, right? If I ever wrote a book and some said it reminded them of Baker and Vonnegut, I’d count that as a win.

It reminds me of Baker in a couple of ways. It’s like The Mezzanine (1988) in that the duration of the actual plot is small. The plot of The Mezzanine is that the protagonist ascends an escalator after lunch. This escalator ride takes the entire book because the protagonist has a lot of thoughts. The plot of Harold isn’t quite as short. It begins with the protagonist in this third-grade classroom (perhaps even late in the day) and it ends as soon as he arrives home. (He’s still at school on the penultimate page of the book.) The timespan of Harold‘s plot might only be an hour or two, but it takes the entire book because his mind is elsewhere. Occasionally his teacher interrupts and brings him back to reality, but only briefly.

Another way Harold reminds me of Baker is that part of the narration takes place in what Harold calls “artificial memories.” These are scenes invented by the protagonist, where he interacts with other characters in his mind, dreaming up what they say and how they react. The actual characters he interacts with, in the plot’s real world, are oblivious to these artificial memories. Baker’s protagonist does this in The Fermata (1994), but only for a few chapters. In Harold it’s more than half the book. Sometimes they are nested, where during an artificial memory Harold recalls a different artificial memory.

The way it reminds me of Vonnegut is harder to pin down. The sentences are short, the thoughts mostly direct. The vocabulary is basic, from both the seven-year-old protagonist and the occasionally omniscient narrator. (This is definitely not Nicholson Baker’s style, by the way.) There is a certain wryness.

There were a few little spots in the book that strongly reminded me of Vonnegut. But, not knowing I was going to write a book review, I didn’t keep track of them. So I’ll end with a couple not-as-strongly Vonnegut-ish quotes:

As his grandfather once told him: “Everything happens for a reason other than coincidences and most things.” Right after he said this he laughed uncontrollably and coughed for two minutes. (page 132)

This doesn’t just happen to other people. There are no other people. We are the other people.
He imagined being at the beach and seeing a single engine plane pulling a sign—

Brian’s Mac Monitor Summary

Brian's Mac Monitor Summary        [last revised: 1 December 2006]

This summary is concerned only with analog graphics signals, not digital.

The newest revision of this document is always available as a link from URL    Actually no, that's a 21st-century lie.

Send corrections to:
Part0:  Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

This document (c)2006 by Brian Cole ( The information
contained herein is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Use
at your own risk.

Archive sites may maintain a copy of this Summary so long as they allow
free access from any site worldwide (no domain restrictions, no reverse
DNS lookup tests). Individuals may maintain a copy of this Summary for
their own personal use. This Summary may not be sold or reprinted without
explicit permission from the author, though permission will usually be
granted in exchange for one copy of the magazine/CD-ROM/newsletter/whatever,
so don't be afraid to ask.

In any case, this document must remain in its original mono-spaced ASCII
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Part1:  Sense Codes

setting   pin04    pin07    pin10     available resolutions
--------  -------  -------  -------  -----------------------------------------
rgb12"    pin11    open     pin11     512x384
rgb14"    pin11    open     open      640x480  (aka. rgb13", mono12")
rgb16"    pin10    open     pin04     832x624
rgb19"    pin07    pin04    open     1024x768
rgb21"    pin11    pin11    pin11    1152x870

multi15"  pin11    pin10    pin07     640x480, 832x624
multi17"  pin11    anode    cathode   640x480, 832x624, 1024x768
multi20"  pin11    cathode  anode     640x480, 832x624, 1024x768, 1152x870
                                                        1280x960, 1280x1024

rgb15"    open     pin11    open      640x870  (aka. color portrait)
mono15"   open     pin11    pin11     640x870  (aka. full-page, portrait)
mono21"   open     open     pin11    1152x870  (aka. two-page monchrome)

VGA/SVGA  open     pin10    pin07     640x480, 800x600, 1024x768

NTSC mon  pin11    pin11    open      512x384-under, 640x480-over
NTSC enc  cathode  07&anod  10&anod   512x384-under, 640x480-over
PAL mon   07&cath  04&cath  anode     640x480-under, 768x576-over
PAL enc   07&10    04&10    04&07     640x480-under, 768x576-over

  notes:  * Not all Macs support all modes.
          * If more than one resolution is supported, choose among them
            via the "Monitors" control panel (but read the note above).
          * Somebody tell me how Apple's MutipleScan 14" display signals
            that it can do 640x480@67 and 800x600, but not 832x624@75.
          * "anode" and "cathode" denote a diode bridging the pins.
            The ringed end is the cathode.  (Radio Shack part 276-1122)
          * The 1280x___ resolutions have been added to the list of supported
            resolutions list for the multiscan20" sense code, but this is
            speculation on my part, though it does explain experimental data.
          * In the absence of additional conversion hardware, NTSC and
            PAL signals are black&white only.
          * I don't know what the difference between Monitor ("mon") and
            Encoder ("enc") modes is for NTSC and PAL, so please clue me in.
          * Tell me why the rgb21" and mono21" are considered different
            modes but rgb14" and mono12" are considered the same mode.
          * Some Apple video hardware supports a different sense pin
            combination for 15" portrait displays with non-Apple timings
            (If you know about this, please clue me in).

Part2:  Refresh Rates

Specs for the various resolutions supported by Apple hardware.

resolution         Vert Hz    Horiz KHz    Dot Clock MHz
----------------   -------    ---------    -------------
1280x1024 Apple     75           ?            ?    (see Part1 note)
1280x 960 Apple      ?           ?            ?    (see Part1 note)
1152x 870 Apple     75.08       68.7        100
1024x 768 Apple     74.93       60.24        80
 832x 624 Apple     74.55       49.7         57.63
 640x 870 Apple     75.08       68.9         57.2832
 640x 480 Apple     66.67       35.0         30.24
 512x 384 Apple     60.15       24.48        15.6672

 640x 870 non-Apple  ?           ?            ?    (Radius?, RasterOps?)

1280x1024 VESA      75           ?            ?
1280x 960 VESA      75           ?            ?
1024x 768 VESA      75           ?            ?
1024x 768 SVGA      72           ?            ?
1024x 768 VESA      70          56.5          ?
1024x 768 VESA      60          48.8         64
 800x 600 VESA      75           ?            ?
 800x 600 VESA      72          48.1          ?
 800x 600 VESA      60          37.9          ?
 800x 600 SVGA      55.98       35.16        36
 640x 480 VGA       59.95       31.47        25.175

NTSC                59.94       15.7         12.2727
PAL                 50.00       15.625       14.75

  notes:  * There are 4 different 640x480 modes -- Apple, VGA, NTSC, and PAL.
          * Dot clock is the rate at which pixels must be sent to the monitor.
          * NTSC and PAL are interleaved.

Part3:  Pinouts

First, here are the connectors.  These are for male connectors, the pins are
pointing towards your eyes.  Female connectors are mirror images of these.

    DA-15                                 DE-15
    ,--------------------------------.    ,-------------------------.
    \ 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 /    \    01  02  03  04  05   /
     \                              /      \ 06  07  08  09  10    /
      \ 09  10  11  12  13  14  15 /        \  11  12  13  14  15 /
       `--------------------------'          `-------------------'

    14-pin PowerBook                      DE-9
     /==-==-==-==-==-==-==\               ,-------------------------.
    / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 \              \  1    2    3    4    5  /
    |                      |               \                       /
    | 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 |                \   6    7    8   9   /
    +-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-+                 `-------------------'

                           HDI-45 AudioVision
                           / ,------------------------------------. \
                           | | 35  36  37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 | |
                           | `-.       28 29 30 31 32 33 34     ,-' |
                           |   |:: 19  20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27  |   |
                           | ,-'       12 13 14 15 16 17 18     `-. |
                           | | 01  02  03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | |
                           | `------------------------------------' |

     Mini-VGA (Hosiden TCX3143)    DVI [Pin C5 is the fins between C1/C2/C3/C4.]
       ,--------------------.      +--------------------------------+
      / 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 \     | C2|C1  08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 |
     |                        |    | --+--  16 15 14 13 12 10 09 08 |
     |   02 04 06 08 10 12 14 |    \ C4|C3  24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 /
     +------------------------+     `------------------------------'

                            ADC (Apple Display Connector) [Pin C5 is the fins.]
                             / C2|C1  10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 \
                            (  --+--  20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11  )
                             \ C4|C3  30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 /

  Mac    SVGA   VGA                                                                 mini-  TTL
  DA-15  DE-15  DE-9   DVI-A   ADC                                    HDI45  pb-14  VGA    DE-9
  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----                                   -----  -----  -----  -----
  shell  shell  shell  shell  shell  safety ground (note 1)           shell  shell  shell  shell
    02     01     1      C1     C4   red signal                        27     14     05      3
    01     06     6      C5     C5   red ground                        26      7     04
    05     02     2      C2     C2   green signal (note 2)             11      4     07      4
    06     07     7      C5     C5   green ground                      10     11     06
    09     03     3      C3     C1   blue signal                       45      8     09      5
    13     08     8      C5     C5   blue ground                       44      1     14
    04     11                        sense pin 0 (note 5)               8     13
    07    (12)                       sense pin 1 (notes 5, 4)           9     10
    10     04                        sense pin 2 (note 5)              18      9
    03                               composite sync signal (note 3)    34     12
    15     13     4      C4     C3   horizontal sync signal            42      2     03      8
    14     05            15     C5   horizontal sync ground (note 3)   43      3
    12     14     5      08     10   vertical sync signal              33      6     02      9
           10            15     C5   vertical sync and DDC ground      43
    11    (05)    9                  ground (note 6)                           5     01,12   1,2
           12            07     09   DDC data                          28            10
           15            06     19   DDC clock                         29            11
           09            14          +5V                               13            08
                         16          HPD or cable detect (note 7)                    13
                                     monitor ID                       31,32,41
                                     intensity                                               6
                                     monochrome signal                                       7

  notes:  * I'm unsure how gender terms apply to the flat 14-pin PowerBook
            connector. Pictured is the connector that would be inserted
            into the back of a PowerBook. Also unsure of mini-VGA (TCX3143).
          * Mac pin 08 is not used (reserved for a fourth sense pin??), and
            neither were SVGA pins 09/15 before DDC was introduced in ~2004.
          * Some pinouts for the rare 9-pin VGA connector (the 15-pin one
            is typically used instead) reverse the roles of pins 4 and 5.
            I've seen DE-9 VGA monitors both ways.
          * DVI supports both analog and digital signals, but only pins for
            analog signals are listed here. DVI-D lacks some of these pins.
            ADC similarly supports analog, digital, USB, and 100W power.
            The 45-pin "AudioVision" connector supports analog graphics, ADB,
            audio out (analog stereo), audio in (analog stereo), and S-video.
          * TTL signals (EGA/CGA) are not compatible with the analog signals
            used by Mac/SVGA/VGA.  Don't blindly try to convert between them.
          * EGA has "secondary" r/g/b lines on pins 2/6/7. What are they?
        (1) also signal ground for NTSC and PAL
        (2) also monochrome signal (VGA/NTSC/PAL); also sync-on-green
        (3) mac-to-vga adapter sync signals:
              mac14-vga10, mac12-vga14, mac15-vga13 (or sometimes mac03-vga13)
        (4) Prior to DDC: Ground sense0 for monochrome. Ground sense1 for
            color. Ground sense2 for resolutions of 1024x768 or higher.
        (5) See part1 for Mac sense codes.
        (6) the ground for sense pins and signals without specified grounds
        (7) Connect mini-VGA pin 13 to ground for the cable to be recognized.
            DVI displays put various voltages on the HPD (Hot Plug Detect) pin.
            DVI-to-SVGA adapters sometimes ground it, sometimes wire it to +5V.


Brian’s Mac Serial Port Summary

Brian's Mac Serial Port Summary    [last revised: 1 September 1998]

The newest revision of this document is always available as a link from URL    Actually no, that's a 21st-century lie.

Send corrections to:
Part0:  Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

This document (c)1998 by Brian Cole ( The information
contained herein is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Use
at your own risk.

Archive sites may maintain a copy of this Summary so long as they allow
free access from any site worldwide (no domain restrictions, no reverse
DNS lookup tests). Individuals may maintain a copy of this Summary for
their own personal use. This Summary may not be sold or reprinted without
explicit permission from the author, though permission will usually be
granted in exchange for one copy of the magazine/CD-ROM/newsletter/whatever,
so don't be afraid to ask.

In any case, this document must remain in its original mono-spaced ASCII
form.  No compression (.Z, .gz, .sit, .cpt, .sea), expansion (.hqx, .uu),
translaton (.rtf, .etx, .html, .pdf, .doc), or other alteration is allowed.

Part 1:  Connector Pinouts

First, here are the pinouts.  These are for male connectors, the pins are
pointing towards your eyes.  Female connectors are mirror images of these.

  miniDIN-8           DB-25
    ,----v----.       ,----------------------------------------------------.
   /           \      \ 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13 /
  |  6   7   8  |      \  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  /
  |             |       `------------------------------------------------'
  | 3   4     5 |
  |             |     DE-9
  |_   1   2   _|     ,---------------------.
    |         |       \  1   2   3   4   5  /
    `--.___,--'        \   6   7   8   9   /

                                 ibm       apple(early macs and LaserWriters)
   pin#     DIN-8     DB-25      DE-9      DE-9
  ------    ------    ------    ------    ------
  shield     gnd       gnd       gnd       gnd
      1      HSKo      gnd       DCD       gnd
      2     *HSKi      TD        RD        +5v
      3      TxD-      RD        TD        SG
      4      SG        RTS       DTR       TxD+
      5      RxD-      CTS       SG        TxD-
      6      TxD+      DSR       DSR       +12v(HSKo)
      7      GPi       SG        RTS      *HSKi(DSR)
      8     *RxD+      DCD       CTS      *RxD+
      9                +dcv      RI        RxD-
     10                -dcv (DC test voltage) [DCE->DTE]
     11                QM
     12                (S)DCD
     13                (S)CTS
     14                (S)TD, NS, [fault on IW1]
     15                TC [DCE->DTE]
     16                (S)RD, DCT
     17                RC
     18                DCR
     19                (S)RTS
     20                DTR
     21                SQ
     22                RI
     23                data rate selector
     24                (TC) [DTE->DCE]
     25                busy
      G  +5v (between pins 4 and 5; GeoPort only)

  *HSKi can also be used for External Clock
  *ground RxD+ to SG to emulate RS232 (leave TxD+ floating)

Part 2:  Useful Cables

RTS/CTS control flow cable  (DCE device must be set to ignore drops in DTR.)

             Din-8           DB-25 (DCE)
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->  4, 20     RTS, DTR
  HSKi       2       <----   5         CTS
  TxD-       3        ---->  2         TD
  SG, RxD+   4, 8     ----   7         SG
  RxD-       5       <----   3         RD
  GPi        7       <----   8         DCD
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd

Null modem cable
  [note:  some DTE devices may need RTS and DTR swapped on the DB-25 side.]

             Din-8           DB-25 (DTE)
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->   5        CTS
  HSKi       2       <----    4        RTS
  TxD-       3        ---->   3        RD
  SG, RxD+   4, 8     ----    7        SG
  RxD-       5       <----    2        TD
  GPi        7       <---[   20, 8, 6  DTR, DCD, DSR (DTR holds DCD&DSR high)
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd

The classic "Mac to ImageWriter I" cable

             Din-8           DB-25 (DTE)
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->   8, 6     DCD, DSR
  HSKi       2       <----   20        DTR
  TxD-       3        ---->   3        RD
  SG, RxD+   4, 8     ----    7        SG
  RxD-       5       <----    2        TD
  GPi        7       <----   14        (paper out or other fault)
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd

Part 3:  Signals

What do these things stand for?

  SG      signal ground
  gnd     safety ground

  HSKo    handshake out
  HSKi    handshake in
  TxD     transmit data
  RxD     receive data
  GPi     general purpose input

  TD      transmit data
  RD      receive data
  RTS     request to send
  CTS     clear to send
  DSR     data set ready
  DCD     data carrier detect
  DTR     data terminal ready
  RI      ring indicator
  SQ      signal quality detect
  (S)TD   sec. transmit data
  (S)RD   sec. receive data
  (S)DCD  sec. data carrier detect
  (S)CTS  sec. clear to send
  (S)RTS  sec. request to send
  RC      receiver clock
  TC      transmitter clock
  (TC)    ext. transmitter clock

  NS      new sync                    (Bell 208A)
  DCT     divided clock, transmitter  (Bell 208A)
  QM      equalizer mode              (Bell 208A)
  DCR     divided clock, receiver     (Bell 208A)

Part 4:  Unuseful Cables

Note:  This is for my own reference.  Nobody but me should care about these.

Beige cable with "BusinessLand" in red letters.
  RxD+ is not tied to SG but is left floating, so the signals may be
  weak for CS-232.  Also, while HSKi is tied to CTS, RTS is left floating,
  so this cable is "download only".

             Din-8           DB-25 (DCE)
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->  20        DTR
  HSKi       2       <----    5        CTS
  TxD-       3        ---->   2        TD
  SG         4        ----    7        SG
  RxD-       5       <----    3        RD
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd

Grey cable, unmarked, with round (not squared) DIN-8 connector.
  The signal ground is tied to the safety ground--odd, but probably ok
  in practice.  HSKi is tied to both CTS and DCD--it seems to me that
  the mac won't be able to see either CTS or DCD drop because the other
  will still be high.

             Din-8           DB-25 [DCE]
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->  20        DTR
  HSKi       2       <----    5, 8     CTS, DCD
  TxD-       3        ---->   2        TD
  SG, RxD+   4, 8     ----    1, 7     gnd, SG
  RxD-       5       <----    3        RD
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd

From the American bargain bin
  HSKo is not connected.  The signal ground is tied to the safety ground.

             Din-8           DB-25 [DTE]
  -----------------          ------------------
  HSKo       1        ---->            nc
  HSKi       2       <----   20        DTR
  TxD-       3        ---->   3        RD
  SG, RxD+   4, 8     ----    1, 7     gnd, SG
  RxD-       5       <----    2        TD
  gnd        shield   ----   shield    gnd


Mysteries of contrabass clarinet (and contra-alto) mouthpieces and reeds

Contrabass clarinets come in two sizes. The larger is the Bb contrabass clarinet, also known as the BBb contra. The smaller is the Eb contrabass clarinet, also known as EEb contra, contra-alto, or (incorrectly) “contralto.” The Bb contra sounds an octave below a Bb bass clarinet, while the Eb contra sounds in the middle between a Bb bass and a BBb contra.

Contrabass clarinet mouthpieces also come in two sizes. The larger ones have an outer tenon diameter of approximately 36mm. The smaller ones measure approximately 32mm. (I hear that some oddball Eb contras are designed to take bass clarinet mouthpieces, which measure approximately 30mm, but I’m going to ignore those.)

Contrabass clarinet reeds come in two sizes as well. The larger ones are about 20mm wide at the tip, while the smaller ones are about 19mm wide at the tip. (Also, I have heard that some contra clarinet mouthpieces call for baritone saxophone reeds, which are about 18mm at the tip, so that’s something to watch out for.)

Now you might think that a larger contra would take a larger mouthpiece and a larger reed, while a smaller contra would take a smaller mouthpiece and a smaller reed. I think we can agree that that’s how it works if we’re talking about bass clarinets and alto clarinets. But with contrabass clarinets it just not this simple.

Here’s a counter example. Some Eb contra clarinets (primarily the metal Leblanc ones) take the larger-diameter mouthpiece, and some of these larger-diameter mouthpieces call for the wider reeds.

Let’s suppose you have a contrabass clarinet you want to play, and you’re trying to figure out which size mouthpiece and reed to use. Which mouthpiece should be self-evident. The mouthpiece receiver will be sized to accept either a 32mm or a 36mm mouthpiece. If you have the wrong size mouthpiece then it will not physically fit. Otherwise you’re probably good to go. (That said, I have found that the larger mouthpieces can vary by 1mm or so in diameter between brands. So sometimes it’s a tighter or looser fit than you would like. Usually this can be addressed by messing with the tenon cork.)

But which size reed to use is trickier. The larger and smaller contra reeds only differ by about 1mm in width, which isn’t much. It’s possible to play a wider reed on a mouthpiece that was designed for a narrower reed, and it’s also possible to play a narrower reed on a mouthpiece that was designed for a wider reed. I’ve done it both ways, and I can manage to produce notes. Sound quality suffers, though, so it’s worth the effort to make sure you’re using a reed with the correct width. Some people are playing the wrong reeds and don’t even know it.


In the picture above, the orange-box Rico reeds are the narrower 19mm ones. The Marca reeds and the ancient purple-box Vandoren reeds are both the wider 20mm ones. (I believe the newer blue-box Vandoren contra reeds are still 20mm, but I’m not positive.) It’s hard to tell how wide they will be without opening the box.

The Rico box is labelled “contra alto clarinet,” which is a hint that they might be the narrower ones. The Vandoren box is labelled “clarinette contre-basse,” which is a hint they might be the wider ones. The Marca box is labelled “CA/CB,” neutral.

If you’re squeaking a lot, or chirping when attacking notes, then maybe your reed is too wide or too narrow for your mouthpiece. (Or possibly your instrument has leaks that need to be repaired.) If your tone is too breathy then maybe your reed is too narrow for your mouthpiece. It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing a Eb contra or a Bb contra; all that matters is what your mouthpiece was designed to work with.

Leblanc contra mouthpieces (which can be used on most Bb contras and on Leblanc metal Eb contras) once took the wider reeds. Sometime around 1980 they changed, and Leblanc contra mouthpieces made since then take the narrower reeds. Some players with newer mouthpieces wish they had the older ones, claiming that they should perform better on the lower notes, but the only way to fix that is to obtain one of those older mouthpieces. Trying a wider reed on one of the newer mouthpieces will sound worse than using the narrower reed it was designed for.

Virtually all of the smaller (32mm tenon diameter) contra mouthpieces call for the narrower reeds. Some mouthpieces are even designed to take baritone saxophone reeds, and for those even the narrower contra reeds could be too wide, so beware. If your mouthpiece calls for narrow contra reeds, some players report that Vandoren bass saxophone reeds play better than orange-box Rico contra-alto reeds. (I have yet to try them.)

I play a Bundy Eb contra with a 32mm Selmer C* mouthpiece and a Vito Bb contra with a 36mm Selmer C* mouthpiece. Both of these play best with the narrower contra reeds. However the 36mm mouthpiece does also work somewhat with the wider contra reeds. Just looking at how the reed lays on the 36mm mouthpiece, the wider ones look like they should play better, but in my experience they don’t.

I also have a no-name 32mm contra mouthpiece that can use a baritone saxophone reed in a pinch, though it plays best with the narrower contra reeds. But when I try baritone saxophone reeds on the 32mm Selmer C* it doesn’t work very well.


BTW, all measurements mentioned above are approximate. I couldn’t find any official specs to quote, so I simply borrowed calipers (which I may or may not have used precisely) and measured my own equipment.

relevant links:

cases for full-Boehm clarinets

a Bb full-Boehm clarinet in a (slightly modified) SKB320 clarinet case
full-Boehm clarinet in B♭ fits in modified case

About five years ago I purchased a pair of full-Boehm clarinets in B♭ and A. At the time I wrote, “the first thing I have to do is find a case for these guys,” but only now have I gotten around to doing something about it.

Actually, about a year ago I purchased a cheap WWBW-branded double clarinet case because I had read a forum post that it could be modified for full-Boehm instruments. But when it arrived the case itself was narrower than the lower joints of the A clarinet, so it obviously wasn’t going to work.

Later I read that an SKB model 320 single clarinet case could be modified with a hammer to hold a full-Boehm instrument. I ordered two of them. They arrived last week. Modification by hammer was relatively straightforward.

After modification, the Bb full-Boehm clarinet does fit in the case reasonably well. (See top image.) Unfortunately, the A full-Boehm clarinet is simply too long for the case. (See bottom image.) Fortunately, I only hammered one of the two cases. I can return the pristine one for a refund.

For the moment I’m storing the A clarinet in an old Conn case that is similar to the one linked here except it’s in much rougher shape. The lower joint doesn’t fit in any of the slots but it does fit in the large compartment at the bottom. I have encased the lower joint in bubble wrap so it won’t bounce around. The upper joint, barrel, and bell fit in the slots. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing.

an A full-Boehm clarinet not quite fitting into an SKB320 clarinet case
full-Boehm clarinet in A does not fit

The search for a better case (singe or double but preferably a double) continues.


  • Amati still makes full-Boehm clarinets in the Czech Republic. An Amati rep in Europe told me I could purchase two separate full-Boehm clarinet cases through their American distributor, though he couldn’t guarantee that my Selmers would fit. I might have been willing to take the risk but the American rep was unwilling to help me. That was in 2009. I could try again, or attempt to import one from Europe.
  • It looks like a Yamaha case like this one can be modified to work.
  • I could make my own case, starting from a briefcase or something. This option is growing on me.
  • I could go high-end. For instance Wiseman tells me that they can accommodate my full-Boehm instruments at no extra charge, but their regular prices are quite high.
  • Perhaps I could pay someone to modify a suitable existing case.

Whence Biscos?

Since childhood I have admired Biscos, Nabisco’s version of the sugar wafer. I have eaten them only rarely because (a) they are expensive at $4 or $5 for 8 oz. and (b) they never seem to go on sale.

It may have been more than a decade since I have last tried them. This is what they looked like then…

Biscos Sugar Wafers by Nabisco, old box

…not the box, which in this image looks older than I remember, but the wafers themselves. Notice that the oval-with-rabit-ears logo featured inside the red triangle also appears on the wafers. The logo didn’t make them taste any better, I presume, but nonetheless the cookie part of the wafers was thick, crisp, and delicious.

Here is the box I bought today:

Biscos Sugar Wafers by Nabisco, new box

When I purchased them I did notice that the gold foil around the edge of the box (which I always thought was classy) was missing, but not until later did I notice that the appearance of the wafers had changed also. The oval-with-rabit-ears logo is gone and they look pretty much like any other sugar wafer out there, such as the no-name brands you can find in the dollar store. And that’s what they taste like, too. They don’t taste bad, but I no longer find them compelling. Next time I’ll save some money and buy a no-name brand. (But I won’t buy one of those brands that dyes the wafers bright orange—what’s the deal with that?)

It may actually be impossible to buy the Biscos brand next time, because there are some reports that they are being removed from store shelves. I don’t put much stock in them—after all I was able to buy some today—but if so perhaps it has something to do with Kraft’s acquisition of Nabisco in 2000. I can’t find any mention of Biscos at or but they are still for sale at and other online retailers.

[edit: I did finally find a Bisco’s (sic) reference at Choose “cookies/crackers/cones/bars” from the upper pulldown. I’m not sure why they felt the need to interpose an apostrophe.]

By the way, the cookies aren’t quite as pictured on the box. For one, they are fairly small at 6cm by 2cm (2.5in by 0.75in) which means either they found a tiny red napkin and coffee cup for the photo shoot, or photoshop was involved. (The box does say “enlarged to show texture” in small blue lettering just above the plate’s rim.) But more than that, if you count how many diagonal stripes span a wafer, corner to corner, it’s 13 on the box image but 18 on the actual wafers in the box. The waffling is simply less substantial than pictured, in both diameter and in ridge height, which seems odd to me.

(Odder still, the waffling on the bottom of the wafer is different from the waffling on the top. The bottom waffling has a larger diameter and thicker ridges, so it’s actually more like the box image, except it can’t be. The squares on the bottom of the wafer aren’t aligned diagonally, but are parallel to the sides of the wafer.)

Ford hybrid micro-van

Ford C-MAX side viewFord has announced a hybrid micro-van to be available in North America in 2012. The C-MAX will have three rows of seats and sliding side doors. A non-hybrid C-MAX has been available in Europe since 2003 and is somewhat similar to the Mazda5.

There will be two hybrid models, plus ones with conventional drivetrains. The C-MAX Hybrid sounds like a traditional hybrid, while the C-MAX Energi will be a Volt-like plug-in hybrid which aims to deplete its large battery before burning much gas. I’m looking forward to seeing more details.

update: Automobile Magazine’s first look has some images. So does

thoughts on the new Big Ten logo

the BigTen stacked logo, announced 13 December 2010The Big Ten Conference announced its new logo on Monday. Fan response has been almost universally negative. Commissioner Delany says, “Any time you have something new … it takes some time to get used to.” That’s true enough, but so far the best that can be said about the logo’s reception is that people seem to dislike it less strongly than they do the new division names (“Leaders” and “Legends”) for football.

I don’t know how long the retiring logo, with its iconic “11” in the negative space, took to get used to after its introduction in 1990, but it qualifies as beloved now. It was designed by Al Grivetti, who also provided designs incorporating 12, 13 and 14 in case the league decided expand beyond Penn State. I’m curious about these designs and would love to see them.

The new logo was created by Michael Bierut and Michael Gericke of design firm Pentagram. Delany says that “pretty much everybody in the design world” advised against a 12 in the negative space of the new logo, and evidently Bierut and Gericke concurred. “Its contemporary collegiate lettering includes an embedded numeral ‘10’ in the word ‘Big,’ which allows fans to see ‘Big’ and ‘10’ in a single word.” They say the new logo is memorable and distinctive. Critics say it looks like a 2-year-old put it togetherwould be forgettable if it weren’t so ugly, is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, and rivals Gap as worst logo change ever‎.

I seriously can’t find anybody on the net who claims to like it, though some are ambivalent. I guess I would have to put myself in the ambivalent camp. I was hoping for better. It’s not attractive or clever or even memorable, but it is serviceable.

specific thoughts:

  • The letters I and G are supposed to look like the digits 1 and 0. The I definitely looks like a 1, albeit in a somewhat jarringly, but I don’t think the G looks much like a 0. Some think the G looks more like a 6. “Not at all,” says Delany, “we were thinking 10, not 16.”

  • This shade of baby-blue is a color which none the twelve member schools claim. Perhaps that was a goal. I find it unpleasant, but I can’t put my finger on exactly why.

  • I do think the logo will work quite well as a “bug” on TV. Check out these (poorly) simulated screenshots for the league’s top two revenue sports and see what you think. Perhaps this was also a goal, but I doubt it because broadcasts will be branded by the Big Ten Network (or ESPN, etc.) and not by the conference itself.

simulated BigTen tv bug, football

simulated BigTen tv bug, basketbal

hybrid Toyota minivan more than rumor?

Prius MPV behind standard PriusAutomobile magazine reports that Toyota will be unveiling a Prius minivan early next year. Others expect an announcement as soon as the Los Angeles auto show, which begins this weekend.

If the blue silhouette image from last month is any indication it won’t be much bigger than a standard Prius, though Car News Break claims it should seat seven.

(Earlier in the month Toyota officially mentioned the newest member of the Toyota Prius family without identifying it as a van.)

Nebraska officially to join the Big Ten

Big Ten conference logo showing '12' in the negative space. I have terrible photoshop skills, but image may be used with attribution.

The Big Ten Conference just admitted the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, starting with the 2011-12 academic year. The Big Ten is not necessarily planning to stop at 12 teams, but that’s where it is for now. Here are my thoughts:

  • The Big Ten already has too many red teams, and Nebraska exacerbates this. I’m not even counting Minnesota here, with its yellow (ostensibly maroon and gold), but only the red-and-hueless teams:
    • Indiana – cream and crimson
    • Nebraska – scarlet and cream
    • Ohio State – scarlet and grey
    • Wisconsin – cardinal and white

    That’s fully a third of the conference. (Perhaps this is reason enough to disqualify Rutgers from any expansion talk?)

  • Nebraska is a reasonably good academic and geographic fit. It has been an AAU member since 1909 and is 300 miles from the Iowa campus, 425 from the Minnesota campus.
  • Many have pointed out that Omaha and Lincoln are not big TV markets, but Nebraska has rabid alums sprinkled over the country. Believe that many of these will pressure their local cable systems to cary BTN, or will switch to DirecTV or FiOS for it.
  • It is widely presumed that the conference will create two six-team divisions, but I have yet to see a preposed alignment that makes sense to me. It will be difficult to do this and keep everyone happy.